The jungle meets the ocean in Playa Venao, a picturesque town located on the Pacific coastline of the Azuero Peninsula. This scenic destination boasts black sand beaches, world-class surfing and a distinct lack of crowds. Playa Venao is relatively undeveloped, which means you’ll get a peaceful, laid back experience. That said, the area is growing thanks to the incredible surf and beaches. You can expect to find a few boutique hotels, surf lodges, some opportunities to camp on the beach, and a few options for restaurants and shopping.</p>
<p>Surfing is the main event in Playa Venao. The south-facing beach is situated perfectly for south swells. But if you’re not into surfing, there’s still plenty for you here. You can go deep-sea fishing, snorkeling, diving, stand-up paddle boarding, and whale watching. For land-based activities, you’ve got opportunities for hiking, horseback riding, yoga and eco-spas, or visit the nearby weekly Pedasí market.