Nestled in a small valley and shadowed by Volcan Baru, Boquete is a charming, small, picture-postcard mountain town that caters to tourists throughout the year. The town is alive with the bright colors of the local flowers, trees, and shrubs. The hillsides are covered with coffee plantations and greenhouses. The Caldera River runs through the center of town, making it an attraction of its own.</p>
<p>It is a natural setting with cool temperatures that invite you to enjoy its exquisite award-winning delicacy worldwide: coffee. The fluttering and chirping of the birds, calls you to walk the paths while Mother Nature invades your senses. Its hanging bridges and relaxing walks, its crystal clear waters, and its abundant and diverse flowers become part of your experience in Boquete.</p>
<p>Boquete offers some of the best dining experiences in Panama. Small hotels, hostels, and bed and breakfasts are situated a few blocks off the main street making a quiet night’s sleep enjoyable. Festivals and events throughout the year keep visitors coming back for more.