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This is the site of the famous Atlantic Christmas Bird Count held by the Panama Audubon Society every year. The number of species in this area consistently exceeds 340 in a 24-hour period, the No. 1 or 2 spot worldwide. Habitats are a bit more open, but the birding nonetheless can be wonderful. White Hawk, Mealy Parrot, Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift, Black-throated Trogon, Black-breasted & Pied Puffbirds, Spot-crowned Barbet, Montezuma Oropendola, Fasciated Antshrike, Bare-crowned & Bicolored Antbirds, White-headed Wren, Red-breasted Blackbird, Sulphur-rumped Tanager and Black-headed Saltator are all regularly seen here. There is also the added benefit of visiting the old Spanish fortress of San Lorenzo, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, built on a promontory at the entrance of the Chagres River. In addition, to get to this area you have to cross the Panama Canal which gives you a unique view of the locks from below. The return to Panama City is by train (optional $25 fee) on the historic Panama Railroad, the first intercontinental railroad on the American Continent. Come experience this unique birding site on your ecotourism holiday! This tour is exclusive for clients staying in Canopy Tower.
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