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Located right next to Panama City, only 25 minutes from the Canopy Tower, the forests of the Metropolitan Natural Park are much drier than those around Pipeline or Plantation roads. Here, you should expect to see species of birds that are normally rare or absent in those areas. The beautiful Rosy Thrush-Tanager is common, as is the striking Lance-tailed Manakin. It’s also a good place to look for Sepia-capped Flycatcher and the endemic Yellow-green Tyrannulet! And if the resident birds are not enough, each September the birdlist of the park grows substantially with the arrival of two dozen species of warblers and other migratory birds. Finally, the lookout at the end of Mono Titi Road is one of the best places to witness the rivers of migrating Turkey Vultures, Swainson’s & Broad-winged Hawks that fly en masse right over downtown Panama City in October/November and again in April/May! This tour is exclusive for clients staying in Canopy Tower.
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